Friday, March 21, 2014

The Ninth Amendment

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage, others retained by the people."

The ninth amendment has to do with rights that have not been listed.  Just because certain rights have not been specifically mentioned, the constitution cannot say that we don't have them. This is a very important amendment because it allows for the rights of people to be interpreted when they are not going against the law.  It gives the people quite a lot of different rights many would think that they are not allowed.  It also brings about the idea of privacy and the rights that come along with it.

This cartoon depicts that even though we think we are allowed the right to privacy that many are still being watched and recorded by government officials.  

This image just states that many people don't want their right to privacy to be taken away from them.  They feel the need to state that they are allowed to have secrecy within their life.  

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